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We are very sorry to report that unfortunately the PhDViva website was hacked in late 2013 and all back ups were deleted too. 

PhDViva ( was developed to collect and present experiences of PhD Vivas and give advice and tips on the preparation for a PhD Viva. PhD students around the world have varying experiences of their PhD Viva, and who better to learn from than from experiences and advice from people who have experienced a PhD Viva themselves (whether as examinees or examiners)!

What is a PhD Viva?

A PhD Viva voce (‘viva voce’; latin for ‘by live voice’) is an oral examination where PhD students are invited to defend their work in front of an expert panel, after the submission of the PhD thesis. The PhD viva can be a daunting experience for some, whilst for others an exciting opportunity to discuss their research with experts in the field and network professionally.

The structure of the PhD Viva varies across the world. In the UK, the viva involves two examiners and the candidate. One examiner is usually an academic from the same university, and the other is an external examiner from a different university.

Screenshot of the PhDViva website when it was live

PhDViva - PhD Viva stories & advice